BS EN 62272-2-2007 全球数字无线广播(DRM).波段小于30 MHz的数字无线广播.DRM发射机的测量方法

百检网 2021-07-31
标准号:BS EN 62272-2-2007
中文标准名称:全球数字无线广播(DRM).波段小于30 MHz的数字无线广播.DRM发射机的测量方法
英文标准名称:Digital radio mondiale (DRM) - Digital radio in the bands below 30 MHz - Methods of measurement for DRM transmitters
发布日期:2007/5/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2007/5/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60244-1;IEC 60244-15;IEC 60215;ITU Radio Regulations;ITU-R Recommendation V.663
适用范围:This part of IEC 62272 describes the methods of measurement to assess the performancecharacteristics of digital modulated radio transmitters in the bands below 30 MHz for soundand/or data broadcasting in the LF, MF and HF bands, and to facilitate the comparison ofmeasurements which are carried out by different personnel.It contains details of specially selected methods for determining the most importantperformance parameters of digital radio transmitters. The measurement methods describedapply to a limited number of performance parameters, i.e. those which can give rise toambiguous interpretation due to the use of different methods and conditions. They are neitherrestrictive nor mandatory: measurements can be chosen for each particular case.The measurement methods described in this standard are intended to be used for typeapproval tests, quality control tests or acceptance test measurements in factories and on site.Fewer or additional measurements may be carried out by agreement between customer andsupplier. Any additional test should comply with standards which have been established byother study groups, subcommittees of the IEC or other international or suitably accreditedorganizations.This standard does not specify limiting values for acceptable performance as these areusually given in the equipment specification or in requirements laid down by the responsibleregulation bodies. However, some values are quoted, where appropriate, for guidance in thepresentation of the results.






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