SIS SS 406 01 08-1988 电子计.遥测消费和需求

百检网 2021-08-03
标准号:SIS SS 406 01 08-1988
英文标准名称:Electrical meters- Telemetering for consumption and demand
发布日期:1988/2/15 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1 This Recommendation applies to new telemetering apparatus, intended to operate in conjunc-tion with electrical integrating meters in particular for billing and statistical purposes.This Recommendation covers telemetering apparatus comprising:— an impulse device such that the revolutions of the r?tor of the meter cause the emission of impulse signals whose number is proportional to the integrated quantity;— devices for receiving such irhpulses, converting them into analogous or digital values, and displaying the values which represent the integrated quantity, e.g. the energy, active or reactive, or the mean power measured during a fixed period of time of at least 10 min ;— devices totalizing or otherwise evaluating the impulse signals from several meters by arithmetical or algebraic operations.2 This Recommendation is applicable regardless of the distance between impulse meter and receiver.Note. — Besides the need to transmit metering quantities ?ver long distances, there are many applications where the receiving devices are located quite near the meter.3 This Recommendation does not apply to:— systems transmitting in an analog form the instantaneous r?tor speed or any other quantity proportional to the power, e.g. by means of a current or a voltage corresponding to this power ;— systems transmitting occasionally or periodically the readings of the register of an integrating meter, e.g. by scanning either the combinations of switches or markings by magnetic or optical means.4 This Recommendation does not cover the channels for transmitting the impulses from the transmitting to the receiving end, e.g. telephone lines, low or high frequency communication, since these channels should comply with other appropriate documents.Converting the modulating units, made necessary by the properties of the transmitting channels, may be covered by this Recommendation only if they form an integral part of the telemetering apparatus.






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