SIS SS-ISO 2192-1987 石油产品.总含硫量测定.灯管法

百检网 2021-08-03
标准号:SIS SS-ISO 2192-1987
英文标准名称:Petroleum products - Determination of total sulfur content - Lamp method
发布日期:1987/12/25 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the total sulfur content of liquid petroleum products in concentrations above 0,002 % (mim).A special sulfate analysis procedure is described in annex A that permits the determination of sulfur in concentrations as low as 5 mg/kg.In the basic procedure, sulfate is determined acidimetrically by titration with sodkjm hydroxide; an alternative gravimetric procedure (precipitation as barium sulfate) is described in annex B.1.2 The direct burning procedure (see clause 7) is applicable to the analysis of such materials as gasoline, kerosine, naphtha, and other liquids that can be burned completely in a wick lamp.The blending procedure (see clause 8) is applicable to the analysis of gas oils and distillate fuel oils, high sulfur content petroleum products, and many other materials that cannot be burned satisfactorily by the direct burning procedure. It is not suitable for heavy residues such as residual fuel oils, bitumens and t?rs.1.3 Phosphorus compounds normally present in commercial gasoline do not interfere in the determination. A correction is given for the small amount of acid resulting from the combus-tion of the lead anti-knock fluids in gasolines.Appreciable concentrations of acid-forming or base-forming elements from other sources interfere when the titration procedure is employed since no correction is provided in these cases.






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