ISO 14253-2-2011 几何产品规范(GPS).工件和测量设备的测量检查.第2部分:几何产品规范测量中,测量设备校准中以及产品检验中不确定度评价指南

百检网 2021-08-03
标准号:ISO 14253-2-2011
英文标准名称:Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Inspection by measurement of workpieces and measuring equipment - Part 2: Guidance for the estimation of uncertainty in GPS measurement, in calibration of measuring equipment and in product verification
发布日期:2011/4/15 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 14253-1-1998;ISO 14660-1-1999;ISO/IEC Guide 98-3-2008;ISO/IEC Guide 99-2007
适用范围:This part of ISO 14253 gives guidance on the implementation of the concept of the “Guide to the estimation ofuncertainty in measurement” (in short GUM) to be applied in industry for the calibration of (measurement)standards and measuring equipment in the field of GPS and the measurement of workpiece GPScharacteristics. The aim is to promote full information on how to achieve uncertainty statements and providethe basis for international comparison of measurement results and their uncertainties (relationship betweenpurchaser and supplier).This part of ISO 14253 is intended to support ISO 14253-1. Both parts are beneficial to all technical functionsin a company in the interpretation of GPS specifications [i.e. tolerances of workpiece characteristics andvalues of maximum permissible errors (MPEs) for metrological characteristics of measuring equipment].This part of ISO 14253 introduces the Procedure for Uncertainty MAnagement (PUMA), which is a practical,iterative procedure based on the GUM for estimating uncertainty of measurement without changing the basicconcepts of the GUM. It is intended to be used generally for estimating uncertainty of measurement and givingstatements of uncertainty for:⎯ single measurement results;⎯ the comparison of two or more measurement results;⎯ the comparison of measurement results — from one or more workpieces or pieces of measurementequipment — with given specifications [i.e. maximum permissible errors (MPEs) for a metrologicalcharacteristic of a measurement instrument or measurement standard, and tolerance limits for aworkpiece characteristic, etc.], for proving conformance or non-conformance with the specification.The iterative method is based basically on an upper bound strategy, i.e. overestimation of the uncertainty at alllevels, but the iterations control the amount of overestimation. Intentional overestimation — and not underestimation— is necessary to prevent wrong decisions based on measurement results. The amount ofoverestimation is controlled by economical evaluation of the situation.The iterative method is a tool to maximize profit and minimize cost in the metrological activities of a company.The iterative method/procedure is economically self-adjusting and is also a tool to change/reduce existinguncertainty in measurement with the aim of reducing cost in metrology (manufacture). The iterative methodmakes it possible to compromise between risk, effort and cost in uncertainty estimation and budgeting.






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