BS EN ISO 28765-2011 釉瓷和搪瓷.水或市政和工业废水及污水的储存或处理用螺栓连接钢罐的设计

百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:BS EN ISO 28765-2011
英文标准名称:Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Design of bolted steel tanks for the storage or treatment of water or municipal or industrial effluents and sludges
发布日期:2011/4/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2011/4/30 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 2178;ISO 2747;ISO 2859-1;ISO 4532;ISO 6370-2;ISO 8289-2000;ISO 15686-1;ISO 28706-1-2008;ISO 28706-2-2008;ISO 28706-3-2008;ISO 28706-4-2008;EN 101;EN 1993-1-6;EN 1993-4-1;EN 1993-4-2;EN 1998-4;EN 10209-1996;EN 14430-2004;ANSI/AWWA D 103-97
适用范围:This International Standard establishes the requirements for the design and use of vitreous-enamel-coatedbolted cylindrical steel tanks for the storage or treatment of water or municipal or industrial effluents andsludges.It applies to the design of the tank and any associated roof and gives guidance on the requirements for thedesign of the foundation.It applies wherea) the tank is cylindrical and is mounted on a load-bearing base substantially at or above ground level;b) the product of the tank diameter in metres and the wall height in metres lies within the range 5 to 500;c) the tank diameter does not exceed 100 m and the total wall height does not exceed 50 m;d) the stored material has the characteristics of a liquid, exerting a negligible frictional force on the tank wall;the stored material may be undergoing treatment as part of a municipal or industrial effluent treatmentprocess;e) the internal pressure in the headspace above the liquid does not exceed 50 kPa and the internal partialvacuum above the liquid does not exceed 10 kPa;f) the walls of the tank are vertical;g) the floor of the tank is substantially flat at its intersection with the wall; the floor of the tank may have arise or fall built in to allow complete emptying of the tank contents, the slope of which does not exceed1:100;h) there is negligible inertial and impact load due to tank filling;i) the minimum thickness of the tank shell is 1,5 mm;j) the material used for the manufacture of the steel sheets is carbon steel (tanks constructed of sheetsmade from aluminium or stainless steel are outside the scope of this International Standard);k) the temperature of the tank wall during operation is within the range −50 °C to +100 °C under alloperating conditions.This International Standard also gives details of procedures to be followed during installation on site and forinspection and maintenance of the installed tank.It does not apply to chemical-reaction vessels.It does not apply to tanks fitted with floating roofs.It does not cover resistance to fire.






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