DIN EN 15089-2009 爆炸阻绝系统.英文版本DIN EN 15089-2009-07

百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:DIN EN 15089-2009
中文标准名称:爆炸阻绝系统.英文版本DIN EN 15089-2009-07
英文标准名称:Explosion isolation systems; English version of DIN EN 15089:2009-07
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 12874-2001;EN 13237;EN 13673-1;EN 13673-2;EN 14034-1;EN 14034-2;EN 14373
适用范围:This European Standard describes the general requirements for explosion isolation systems. An explosion isolationsystem is a protective system, which prevents an explosion pressure wave and a flame or only a flame frompropagating via connecting pipes or ducts into other parts of apparatus or plant areas. This European Standardspecifies methods for evaluating the efficacy of the various explosion isolation systems, and methods for evaluating design tools for such explosion isolation systems when applying these in practice.This European Standard also sets out the criteria for alternative test methods and interpretation means to validate the efficacy of explosion isolations.It covers e.g.:a) general requirements for the explosion isolation componentsb) evaluating the effectiveness of an explosion isolation systemc) evaluating design tools for explosion isolation systemsThis European Standard is applicable only to the use of explosion isolation systems that are intended for avoidingexplosion propagation between interconnected enclosures, in which an explosion may result as a consequence ofignition of an explosive mixtures e.g., dust-air mixtures, gas-(vapour-)air mixtures, dust-, gas-(vapour-)air mixtures and mists.In general explosion isolation systems are not designed to prevent the transmission of fire or burning powder eitherof which can initiate an explosion in downstream plant items. It is necessary to take this situation into account in risk assessments.This European Standard is only applicable for gas and dust explosions of chemically stable substances and mixturesof these (flame propagating at subsonic velocity).This European Standard is not applicable for explosions of materials listed below, or for mixtures containing some ofthose materials:i) chemically unstable substances that are liable to decomposeii)explosive substancesiii) pyrotechnic substancesThis European Standard does not cover flame arresters. For these devices refer to EN 12874






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