SIS SS-ISO 8831-1989 信息处理系统.开放式系统互连.互连作业传送和操纵的概念与服务(JTM)

百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:SIS SS-ISO 8831-1989
英文标准名称:Information processing Systems — Open Systems Interconnection — Job transfer and manipulation concepts and services (JTM)
发布日期:1989/6/7 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This International Standard is an application layer standard with-in the Opcn Systems Interconnection framcwork set up by ISO 7498.It defines the eoneepts and services for job transfer and manipulation.This International Standard requires that the userof JTM— speeifies the open systems where work is to be done;— knows the local funetions and facilities of the open systems where work is to be done;— knows the control languages used to specify local work on the open systems where work is to be done.This International Standard provides the means to— to specify work to be done on one or more open systems. The work done at one open system can result in new work to be done at other open systems;— monitor the exccution of work previously specified;— modify work previously specified.This International Standard does not address the standardisation of control languages, but is also applicable to the use of a stand-ardised control language. This International Standard does not address the standardisation of user interfaces.






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