UL 2390-2003 带密封片的防风沥青墙面板的试验方法

百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:UL 2390-2003
英文标准名称:UL Standard for Safety for Test Method for Wind Resistant Asphalt Shingles with Sealed Tabs First Edition; Reprint with Revisions Thru and Including 1/8/2004
发布日期:2003/5/30 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1. This test method provides a means of determininq wind uplift coefficients(DC.’s)for asphalt shinglessubjected to an air flow perpendicular to and across the shingle su rface DC。’s are calculated bvmeasuring pressures above and below the shingle surface at the wlndward and leeward sides of thesealant,taking into account shingle rigidity(E1)Uplift force actinq 0n the sealant is then calculated inaccordance with the provisions described in this standard based on the basic wind speeds prescribed inASCE 7—02 fMlnimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures),which are also a function ofbuilding height bulIding exposure category and lmpodanee factor 1.1 revised January 8 20041.2 The value for shingle rigidity(E1)needed to calculate wind uplift coefficients is determined by one oftwo methodS:testing shlnqle rigldity in accordanee with Section 3,Shingle Riglditv,or selecting aconservative value of 2 5 Ibf-in2(7 1 7 kN-mm0)fOr shingles that comply with ASTM D225-03,StandardSpecification for Asphalt Shingles(Organic Felt)Surfaced with Mineral Granules,or ASTM D3462-03,Standard Specification for Asphalt Shingles Made from Glass Felt and Surfaced with Mineral Granules 1.2 revised January 8 20041.3 This test method is applicable to any asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules where the shingleabove is affixed to the surface of the shingle below with a sealant(factory or field applied)applied in apa~ern aligned parallel to the windward edge of the shingle1.4 This test method does not address the following:determination of the resistance-force capability ofthe sealant;uplift forces due to wind acting on the fasteners used to apply the shingles to roof deck;andother factors that affect loading such as those occurring at the perimeter edge or at penetrations1.5 Thls laboratory test standard and the calculations used to determlne the forces on shingles are basedupon wind engineering studies ASCE 7.02 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other StructuresalsO contaias related recognized practices The findings obtained using this standard provide the meansof determining a design value A^lual field performance is affected by numerous factors,lncludlnglnstallation practices employed,iob site conditions,time of year,weather,temperature,microclimatevariations and other specific circumstances 1.5 revised January 8 2004CopyrighL by Lhe UndenrriLers haboraLories IⅡcSun Sep 05 10:31:04 2004






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