SIS SS IEC 587-1987 绝缘材料.评价在严酷环境条件下使用的电绝缘材料的抗电蚀和抗腐蚀能力的试验方法

百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:SIS SS IEC 587-1987
英文标准名称:Insulating materials - Test methods for evaluating resistance to tracking and erosion of electrical insulating materials used under severe ambient conditions
发布日期:1987/11/15 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This standard describes two test methods for the evaluation of electrical insulating materials for use under severe ambient conditions at power frequencies (48 Hz to 62 Hz) by measurement of the resistance to tracking and erosion, using a liquid contaminant and inclined plane specimens.Method 1: constant tracking voltage; Method 2: stepwise tracking voltage.Note. — The test conditions are designed to accelerate the production of the effects, but do not reproduce all the conditions encountered in service.With the test apparatus described in the following sub-clauses, the track starts at the lower electrode. Two criteria for determining the end point of the test are in use:Criterion A :The end point is reached when the value of the current in the high voltage circuit through the specimen exceeds 60 mA. An overcurrent device then breaks this circuit.Note. — This end point criterion permits the use of an automatic apparatus testing several specimens simultaneously.Criterion B:The end point is reached when the track reaches a mark on the specimen surface 25 mm from the lower electrode (see Figures 1 and 3b, pages 16 and 18).Notes 1. — This end point criterion requires visual supervision and manual control.2. — Criterion A is the preferred criterion. Criterion B may be used if required by the relevant material specifica-tion.






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