BS EN ISO 23611-3-2011 土壤质量.土壤无脊椎动物的取样.线蚓的取样和土壤萃取

百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:BS EN ISO 23611-3-2011
英文标准名称:Soil quality. Sampling of soil invertebrates. Sampling and soil extraction of enchytraeids
发布日期:2011/7/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2011/7/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of ISO 23611 specifies a method for sampling, handling and extracting enchytraeids from terrestrialfield soils as a prerequisite for using these animals as bioindicators (e.g. to assess the quality of a soil as ahabitat for organisms).Basic information on the ecology of enchytraeids and their use as bioindicators in the terrestrial environmentare included in the Bibliography.This part of ISO 23611 applies to all terrestrial biotopes in which enchytraeids occur. The sampling design offield studies in general is specified in ISO 10381-1. These details can vary according to the climatic/regionalconditions of the site to be sampled and an overview on the determination of effects of pollutants onenchytraeids in field situations is given in Reference [6].Methods for some other soil organism groups such as earthworms or micro-arthropods are specified inISO 23611-1 and ISO 23611-2.This part of ISO 23611 is not applicable for semi-terrestrial (i.e. living in or close to the pure water) soils andmight be difficult to use under extreme climatic or geographical conditions (e.g. in high mountains).When sampling soil invertebrates, it is highly recommendable to characterize the site (e.g. concerning climateand land use). However, such a characterization is not covered by this part of ISO 23611. ISO 10390,ISO 10694, ISO 11272, ISO 11274, ISO 11277, ISO 11461 and ISO 11465 are more suitable for measuringpH, particle size distribution, C/N ratio, organic carbon content and water holding capacity.






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