BS EN 61462-2007 复合空心绝缘子.额定电压大于1000 V的电气设备用受压和未受压绝缘子.定义、试验方法、验收标准和设计建议
百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:BS EN 61462-2007
中文标准名称:复合空心绝缘子.额定电压大于1000 V的电气设备用受压和未受压绝缘子.定义、试验方法、验收标准和设计建议
英文标准名称:Composite hollow insulators - Pressurized and unpressurized insulators for use in electrical equipment with rated voltage greater than 1000 V. Definitions, test methods, acceptance criteria and design recommendations
发布日期:2007/11/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2007/11/30 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60060;IEC 60068-2-17;IEC 60168;IEC 62155;IEC 62217;ISO 1101;ISO 3452
适用范围:This International Standard applies to composite hollow insulators consisting of a load-bearinginsulating tube made of resin impregnated fibres, a housing (outside the insulating tube) madeof elastomeric material (for example silicone or ethylene-propylene) and metal fixing devicesat the ends of the insulating tube. Composite hollow insulators as defined in this standard areintended for general use (unpressurized) or for use with a permanent gas pressure(pressurized). They are intended for use in both outdoor and indoor electrical equipmentoperating on alternating current with a rated voltage greater than 1 000 V and a frequency notgreater than 100 Hz or for use in direct current equipment with a rated voltage greater than1 500 V.This standard does not prescribe impulse voltage or power frequency voltage type tests, nordoes it prescribe pollution tests because the withstand voltages are not characteristics of thehollow insulator itself, but of the apparatus of which it ultimately forms a part.All the tests in this standard, apart from the thermal-mechanical test, are performed at normalambient temperature. This standard does not prescribe tests that may be characteristic of theapparatus of which the hollow insulator ultimately forms a part. Further technical input isrequired in this area.
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