IEC 62244-2006 辐射防护仪器.国家边境地区放射性和特殊核材料的探测用安装的放射监控器

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:IEC 62244-2006
英文标准名称:Radiation protection instrumentation - Installed radiation monitors for the detection of radioactive and special nuclear materials at national borders
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:The scope of this International Standard is to define the performance of installed monitorsused for the detection of gamma and neutron radiation emitters contained in objects/containers or vehicles, general characteristics, mechanical characteristics, environmentalrequirements, test procedures and documentation.This standard is applicable to installed monitors designed to detect special nuclear and otherradioactive materials by their emitted gamma and/or neutron radiation. They are used tomonitor vehicles, cargo containers, people, or packages and are typically located at nationaland international borders, but may be used at any location where there is a need for this typeof monitoring. This standard does not apply to hand-held monitors.Information regarding the detection of special nuclear material (SNM) is contained in Annex A.This standard provides the purchaser with information that may be used to determine theperformance of the monitor in detecting the presence of radioactive sources. This standarddoes not provide the data needed to determine the performance of the monitor in measuringthe quantity of the radioactive material.In this standard, the term radioactive material includes both special nuclear and radioactivematerial unless otherwise specifically noted. The radioactive material may be transported byvehicle, carried by person, or concealed in a cargo container or in a package moved byconveyor belt, such as international mail parcels.Conformance with the requirements of this standard does not guarantee that a radioactivesource will always be discovered.The selection of the location and the configuration of the monitoring system on each siteneeds to be optimised to achieve the best performance, however, this is outside the scope ofthis standard.






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