童鞋(Children’s footwear)
1、美国消费品改进法案CPSIA(US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008)
①涂层中总铅含量:限值要求为90mg/kg。(Total lead content in surface coating: Less than 90mg/kg);
②基材中总铅含量:限值要求为100mg/kg。(Total lead content in substrate: Less than 100mg/kg);
③使用、滥用测试(use and abuse test)。
2、美国加州65号提案(US California Proposition 65)
①PVC、软塑胶,乙烯基材料及合成皮革中四种邻苯二甲酸酯BBP,DBP,DEHP和DNHP含量:每种邻苯二甲酸酯含量不得超过0.1%。(The contents of the four phthalates BBP, DBP, DEHP and DnHP in PVC, soft plastic, vinyl material and synthetic leather: Less than 0.1% each);
②鞋配饰材料(除方晶锆石CZ,玻璃,莱茵石或某些玻璃化的陶瓷)中的镉含量不得超过0.03%(Accessories materials on footwear (except CZ, glass, rhinestone or certain glass ceramic): Total cadmium content: Less than 0.03%)。
3、美国华盛顿州儿童安全产品法案(US Washington State Children’s Safe Product Act)
①总铅含量:限值要求为不超过0.009%(Total lead content: No more than 0.009%);
②总镉含量:限值要求为不超过0.004%(Total cadmium content: No more than 0.004%);
③邻苯二甲酸酯含量:限值要求为DBP,BBP,DEHP,DIDP,DNOP和DINP总量不能超过0.1%(Phthalate contents: Sum of the contents of DBP, BBP, DEHP, DIDP, DNOP and DINP is not more than 0.1%);
④CHCC报告规则要求(CHCC reporting rule requirement)。
成人鞋(Adult’s footwear)
1、美国联邦法规(CFRUS Code of Federal Regulations)
涂层中总铅含量:限值要求为90mg/kg。(Total lead content in surface coating: Less than 90mg/kg)。
2、美国加州65号提案(US California Proposition 65)
①油漆或涂层中总铅含量:90ppm(Total lead content in paint or surface coating: Less than 90ppm);
②皮革(包括合成皮革)中总铅含量:300ppm(Total lead content in leather (including synthetic leather): Less than 300ppm);
③PVC材料中总铅含量:200ppm(Total lead content in PVC: Less than 200ppm);
④其他材料(除方晶锆石CZ,水晶,玻璃或者莱茵石)中总铅含量:300ppm(Total lead content in all other materials other than cubic zirconia, crystal, glass or rhinestones: Less than 300ppm);
⑤可拆卸配饰中总镉含量:限值要求为0.03%。(Total cadmium content in detachable accessories: Less than 0.03%);
⑥PVC、软塑胶,乙烯基材料及合成皮革中四种邻苯二甲酸酯BBP,DBP,DEHP和DNHP含量:每种邻苯二甲酸酯含量不得超过0.1%(The content of each of the four phthalates BBP, DBP, DEHP and DnHP in PVC, soft plastic, vinyl material and synthetic leather: Less than 0.1% each);
⑦鞋配饰材料(除方晶锆石CZ,玻璃,莱茵石或某些玻璃化的陶瓷)中的镉含量不得超过0.03%(Accessories materials on footwear (except CZ, glass, rhinestone or certain glass ceramic): Total cadmium content: Less than 0.03%)。
5、自助下单 快递免费上门取样;