- 冷藏箱、冷藏-冷冻箱
- 2017年6月12日以后,在美国生产或进口到美国的冰箱必须符合新的能效标签法规要求,详见16CFR305。
- 必须在标签上增加下列语句
a. Compare ONLY to other labels with yellow numbers.
b. Labels with yellow numbers are based on the same test procedures. - 标签底部的相关语句修改如下:
a. Your cost will depend on your utility rates and use.
b. Both cost ranges based on models of similar size capacity.
c. [Insert statement required by item 3].
d. Estimated energy cost is based on a national average electricity cost of ___cents per kWh.
e. ftc.gov/energy. - 依据Appendix A1 – A8中的产品类型分别对应标示下列语句
a. Appendix A1 - Models with similar features have automatic defrost and no freezer.
b. Appendix A2 - Models with similar features have manual defrost.
c. Appendix A3 - Models with similar features have partial automatic defrost.
d. Appendix A4 - Models with similar features have automatic defrost, top-mounted freezer, and no through-the-door ice.
e. Appendix A5 - Models with similar features have automatic defrost, side-mounted freezer, and no through-the-door ice.
f. Appendix A6 - Models with similar features have automatic defrost, bottom-mounted freezer, and no through-the-door ice.
g. Appendix A7 - Models with similar features have automatic defrost, bottom-mounted freezer and through-the-door ice.
h. Appendix A8 - Models with similar features have automatic defrost, side-mounted freezer, and through-the-door ice. - Appendix A1- A8中的预估年耗能范围做了调整;增加了Appendix A9
- Appendix L中的标签原型样式(Prototype Label 1)及样本样式(Sample Label 1)做了修改
旧的能效标签 | 新的能效标签 |
- 百检网能为客户提供针对冷藏箱、冷藏-冷冻箱的欧洲ErP及能效标签、美国DOE及能源之星、澳洲STC及其它国家和地区能效测试及认证服务。
- 测试实验室针对不同测试标准进行过优化,测试准确高效,可以为客户提供*佳测试解决方案。
- 我们在全球拥有62家能效实验室,专门提供各种能效解决方案,它们简单易懂、交付方便,可以消除您的成本顾虑。
美国FTC更新热水器能效标签法规 美国FTC更新空调能效标签法规 美国FTC更新冷冻柜能效标签法规