
百检网 2021-12-15

Approved by the State Council in 2014, Xinjiang cotton target price reform pilot work officially started. For the smooth progress of the pilot work of the Corps, according to the state and the autonomous region "cotton target price reform pilot scheme", combined with the actual development of this scheme Corps.

A cotton price reform policy objectives, the main content, the guiding ideology and principles

(a) the guiding ideology

Thoroughly implement the spirit of the party's eighteen big, the Third Plenary Session of the eighteen and 2014 No. 1 document of the Central Committee, and actively explore the agricultural products price formation mechanism reform and promote government subsidy decoupling, in the premise to guarantee the cotton growers interests under the actual (including cotton, cotton growers farm cotton actual staff and corps within the scope of the other kinds of ownership form the planting body, hereinafter referred to as growers), play a decisive role in the market in the allocation of resources, a reasonable guide for cotton production, circulation and consumption, and promote industrial coordinating development, improve in line with national conditions and the present development of the requirements of the cotton price formation mechanism.

(two) the basic principles

One is the market determine the price. The formation of prices by market supply and demand, the government does not intervene in the market price. The two is to protect the basic income of growers. The state is no longer in accordance with the fixed price for temporary storage, in the low market prices, growers planting income through state subsidies to obtain the basic safeguard, stabilizing cotton production. The three is to maintain the smooth transition of policy. On the premise of cohesion real-time scheme and autonomous region program under the Corps, play system advantage, maintain continuity of BINGTUAN Cotton production and management of each link to achieve a smooth transition of policy, policy, promote the smooth reform.

(three) the main content

Cotton price target refers to the cotton price in formed mainly by the market on the national formulation, can guarantee the growers receive basic earnings target price. When the average market price price recovery period is lower than the target price, the state of cotton growers to give subsidies; when the market price is higher than the target price, not subsidies.

The formulation of the two, the target price

(a) the target price level set. The lead set by the national development and Reform Commission, a year, before sowing announced. In 2014 the lint target price of 152 0173 3840 yuan / ton.

(two) the market price monitoring. The market price for the recovery of Xinjiang cotton price period the average sales price, the price for a period of 9-11 months of recovery. The corps cotton company and cotton linen cotton company as a division of monitoring points of cotton price, the corps development and Reform Commission is responsible for market prices daily summary of the work submitted.

Three, area, yield statistics, verification, reporting procedures

(a) statistical cotton planting area and yield prediction

At the beginning of the year, the planting area of cotton planting division plan according to the division of annual cotton Corps issued to achieve the cotton farms, decomposition. On the basis of arrangements for the implementation of farm planting plan. Group Statistics Bureau in June 25th, responsible for the statistics to verify the actual planting area of cotton farms area, completed in July, to verify the registration work, respectively, in the company and regimental publicity, publicity period of not less than 7 days, publicity reported corps. Statistical process to effectively prevent the occurrence of false, many newspaper, newspaper, false negative pressure cotton area phenomenon, solve good fruit and cotton interplanting area conversion. At the end of the 8 previously completed production estimate. Prediction of production as the main basis of statistical cotton sold quantity, the difference is generally not more than 5%.

(two) statistical unginned cotton sold amount

1 cotton sold bills printed. The corps cotton cotton to make identification will be authorized by the corps cotton processing enterprises, processing enterprises to produce cotton seed cotton purchase settlement bill (LB single), the bill is in quadruplicate, namely the growers, processing enterprises, farms, located in division of linen cotton company each holding a joint. The bill should note has sold time, name, ID number, contact telephone number, land owned units, cotton processing enterprise name, seed cotton weight, grade, moisture regain, the main information such as the cotton impurity rate, combined with the specific circumstances of the division division can increase index, in 8 before the end of the month issued uniform.

2 clear cotton sold range. Because the country is respectively according to the autonomous region and the corps cotton statistical yield appropriated funds subsidies, therefore the corps cotton grown cotton must pay corps cotton processing enterprises to incorporate statistical yield range, receive subsidies. Group belongs to cotton processing enterprises are not allowed to buy local cotton.

3 cotton statistical number of verification and publicity. 20 November, farm cotton processing enterprises will actually sell cotton seed cotton related aggregated data reported by farms, farms after the audit, the area will be, to predict yield and seed cotton sold respectively for publicity in the company and farms, publicity period of not less than 7 days, without objection, the Statistics Bureau reported to the teacher. Division after the audit, the seed cotton is sold amount in November submitted before 25 corps, bureau of statistics summary, audit.

(three) estimate lint yield

The Corps of Quality Supervision Bureau monthly statistical summary of each cotton lint cotton public inspection division number. The farm and division step by step declaration, approved cotton acreage, yield, unginned cotton sales by the Corps, bureau of Statistics estimates, after verification, in December 5 recently submitted to the state, the autonomous region. The National Bureau of statistics according to the remote sensing measurement results, combined with the Corps submitted information, the final check corps cotton planting area and yield, as measured on the basis of the total Corps subsidies.

(four) other circumstances

Soldiers straight unit area statistics, determination of yield and seed cotton purchase quantity, lint processing volume by where the division responsible for statistical, reporting and subsidies. Special cotton (including cotton and color cotton) separate statistical area and seed cotton yield mapping sell quantity, alone.


Four, subsidy

(a) the central financial subsidy and allocated on the basis of time

The Ministry of finance according to the total price and the National Bureau of Statistics survey target price and the market price of the Corps of lint yield estimates subsidies, subsidies funds allocated by the end of the corps.

(two) the Corps subsidy way

1 subsidy fund appropriation. According to "Financial Bureau Corps corps cotton target price reform pilot subsidy funds management approach" (Provisional), according to the division of the central allocation of cotton yield in cotton subsidies in the total funds and corps Corps approved, set up the cotton cotton division target price subsidy funds scheme, the Corps authorized, in the central finance funds subsidies in place within 10 days, appropriated funds subsidies to cotton division.

2 subsidies paid. Division in the Corps of bureau of finance subsidies in place within 10 days, paid to the farm and escrow soldiers direct unit, corps (army units) within 20 days in accordance with the cotton growers sell bills subsidy funds.

3 special cotton subsidies. Special cotton subsidies standards consistent with the autonomous region. The colored cotton by the Financial Bureau, according to the Bureau of statistics of the corps cotton yield, subsidy funds will be directly allocated cotton group, cotton group is responsible for the payment to the growers.

4 the following cotton is not included in the scope of subsidies. Without publicity, no seed cotton sold bills and corps outside the inflow of cotton, are not included in the scope of subsidies.

The qualification of the five target price subsidies, cotton processing enterprises and processing qualification

(a) the identification standard

Cotton processing enterprises must meet the following conditions:

1 to be obtained from the administrative department for Industry and Commerce awarded the "business license" or "business license of enterprise legal person", the corps development and Reform Commission issued the "cotton processing qualification certificate" and the autonomous region of cotton quality supervision authority "cotton processing enterprise quality assurance ability examination certificate". The "line one card", namely: a production line must have a "identification of cotton processing qualification certificate".

2 online monitoring system, settlement system and equipment acquisition of measurement of sound, well run, acquisition and processing of cotton in the library all of the implementation of professional storage, inspection. Seed cotton processing enterprises and processing corps cotton must use the Division issued uniform purchasing settlement bill (LB single), processing enterprises and processing of local cotton must use the uniform invoices autonomous region.

(two) identification process

1 obtain the autonomous region development and Reform Commission issued the "identification of cotton processing qualification certificate" of the corps cotton processing enterprises, are to the autonomous regions relevant departments to conduct qualification.

2 obtain the corps development and Reform Commission issued the "identification of cotton processing qualification certificate" processing of local cotton corps cotton processing enterprises, by the corps development and Reform Commission identified with the industrial and commercial administrative bureau of the autonomous region, autonomous region of fiber inspection bureau.

3 processing enterprises obtain the corps development and Reform Commission issued the "identification of cotton processing qualification certificate" of the corps cotton processing, identified by the division of development and Reform Commission, at the same time every year before the end of 7 reported the corps development and reform commission.

Before the end of 4.8 corps and the autonomous region of the respective qualification authority recognized target price subsidy cotton processing enterprises list, joint publicity in the Department portal website, publicity for a period of 10 working days. After the expiration of the publicity, development and Reform Commission respectively to each corps and division of the genus identification of cotton processing enterprises with a unified number plaque awarded.

(three) determination of exit mechanism of enterprises

Determination of processing corps cotton processing enterprises such as the emergence of the following situations, the corps development and Reform Commission the verification is true, or the Autonomous Region Bureau of quality and technical supervision (Fiber Inspection Bureau), administration of industry and Commerce and other relevant departments of the verification is true to the Corps, the cancellation of identification, at the same time the cancellation of cotton processing qualification and relevant qualifications.

Other than the 1 purchase seed cotton lint, corps or Xukai seed cotton purchase notes and other illegal acts, raise subsidy funds;

2 truthfully indicate the total conversion, seed cotton purchase lint after greater than or less than 5% of the amount above the judiciary;

3 cotton purchase period, not according to the requirements of the qualification of cotton hanging target price subsidies with unified numbering in the factory gate obvious location identification plaque.


Six, appointed auxiliary policy

(a) the formulation of administrative procedures using the target price reform pilot subsidy funds. The Finance Bureau of the Corps developed "management approach using the corps cotton target price reform pilot subsidy funds" (Provisional), provided allowance funds, closed management, special fund is special, separate accounting.

(two) establishing the goal of price reform pilot processing enterprise qualification rules for implementation. The corps development and Reform Commission with the autonomous region administrative bureau of industry and commerce, Quality Supervision Bureau and other departments, formulate "recognized corps cotton target price reform pilot processing enterprise qualification implementation rules" (Trial), a clear goal of price reform pilot corps cotton processing enterprises qualification conditions, procedure.

(three) develop Corps outside cotton inflow control method. The corps development and Reform Commission with the Corps, bureau of quality supervision, the supply and marketing cooperatives and other departments and units, the formulation of "corps outside cotton inflow control measures" (Trial), to strengthen the supervision of cotton seed cotton public inspection, except clearing bills, warehousing, use cotton management and corps into.

Seven, safeguard measures

(a) to strengthen the organization and leadership. Corps cotton target price reform pilot work leading group responsible for the implementation of the central government on the Xinjiang cotton price target to reform pilot job decision deployment, study and formulate related policy reform pilot job corps, the organization and implementation of the guidance, strengthen the policy advocacy, training, supervision and inspection. Leading group member unit in accordance with the division of responsibilities to carry out their duties, cooperate closely, earnestly carry out the work.

(two) cotton division points in cotton price target to promote the reform of the implementation of the work. Cotton division should attach great importance to, the corresponding set up a leading group, formulate work plans, actively grasp of the implementation of the work. Responsible for the cotton planting area and seed cotton, lint yield, yield monitoring, auditing and statistical work and market price monitoring data submitted to the division of honour, making allowances funds specific operational measures, to ensure that subsidies timely, open, fair, accurate payment. Reforms to strengthen the policy advocacy, training, make policies to make known to every family. Strengthen the cotton quality management, improve the quality of cotton, and enhance market competitiveness. To strengthen the work of sales of cotton, cotton fast, fast promotion, fast rolling pin. Division can be reserved for the division of subsidy funds 5% of the total, the actual growers for honour after investigation and verification does not get subsidies. The division of honour subsidies funds operation of the specific measures to be reported corps.

(three) to strengthen the policy advocacy and training. Regiment Party Committee Propaganda Department, in conjunction with the corps development and Reform Commission, agriculture bureau, Financial Bureau, the Bureau of statistics, industry letter appoint, bureau of quality supervision, the supply and marketing cooperatives and other departments and units, according to the implementation plan to determine the national, autonomous regions, corps, corps propaganda plan formulation, through television, newspapers, Internet, brochures, cadres even in a variety of ways such as using household publicity, growers, grassroots cadres understand language, extensive conduct propaganda, let them know cotton target price reform intention, grasp the corps cotton sold and subsidies, to jointly promote the reform of the formation of a good atmosphere.

Take the external training and self training combination, strengthen training. The corps development and Reform Commission take the lead in coordinating, organizing relevant departments and divisions corps cotton related units, actively participate in the autonomous region led the teacher training; Bureau of agriculture, make the training plan, the compilation of training materials, training of relevant personnel of each regiment.

(four) to arrange special funds. The pilot reform of the target price of cotton is a new work, involve an area wide, policy sex is strong, there may be many unforeseen circumstances, the need to strengthen the supervising. In order not to affect the Job Corps at the same level, and cotton division pre arrange special funds, used for the production of cotton processing enterprises, plaque, printed brochure, carry out personnel training, statistical test production, the news media publicity, the cost investigation, market price monitoring, special investigation and inspection work.

(five) to strengthen the work of sales of cotton. Continue to maintain the existing corps cotton purchase and sale mechanism, give full play to the soldiers, the division of linen cotton company existing marketing network system the important role and function of storage, facilities, multi-channel, multi way to promote sales of cotton, encourage and support the Corps, division of linen cotton company to participate in the national cotton trading market for public auction.

(six) to strengthen the supervision and management. The establishment of subsidies publicity, archives management, supervision and inspection system, the implementation of regulatory linkage mechanism. During the cotton purchase, by the corps development and reform, finance, quality supervision, supply and marketing and other departments to form the inspection group to carry out inspection of seed cotton sales division, notes, acquisitions, etc. check public inspection, timely detection of problems, the main production and management of enterprises and to avoid punishment, Xukai purchase notes, the corps cotton inflow outside the problem. Exercise social supervision system in army, division, regiment, statistics, finance department to set up cotton price target subsidies supervision telephone number, and through the Corps at all levels of the mainstream media and network to the public. At all levels to report problems timely investigation and verification, if true, false and the responsibility of the relevant leaders to deal with serious.

(seven) take timely emergency measures. When the domestic market cotton price substantially lower than the imported cotton prices, the emergence of "difficult to sell cotton", start the emergency plan in a timely manner, to take the necessary measures to encourage enterprises to enter the market purchase.

Source: Chinese cotton association to see cotton information, trading cotton cotton net  wind







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