BS ISO/IEC 14764-2006 软件工程.软件寿命循环过程.维护

百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:BS ISO/IEC 14764-2006
英文标准名称:Software engineering - Software life cycle processes - Maintenance
发布日期:2006/10/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/10/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This standard describes an iterative process for managing and executing software maintenance activities. Use of this standard is not restricted by size, complexity, criticality, or application of the software product. This standard uses a process model to discuss and depict each phase of software maintenance. The criteria established apply to both the planning of maintenance for software while under development, as well as the planning and execution of software maintenance activities for existing software products. Ideally, maintenance planning should begin during the stage of planning for software development. This International Standard provides the framework within which generic and specific software maintenance plans may be executed, evaluated, and tailored to the maintenance scope and magnitude of given software products. This International Standard provides the framework, precise terminology, and processes to allow the consistent application of technology (tools, techniques, and methods) to software maintenance. This International Standard provides guidance for the maintenance of software. The basis for the Maintenance Process and its activities comes from the definitions of ISO/IEC 12207. It defines the activities and tasks of software maintenance, and provides maintenance planning requirements. It does not address the operation of software and the operational functions, e.g., backup, recovery, system administration, which are normally performed by those who operate the software. This International Standard is written primarily for maintainers of software and additionally for those responsible for development and quality assurance. It may also be used by acquirers and users of systems containing software who may provide inputs to the maintenance plan.






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