
百检网 2021-12-15
    据江苏大丰沿海一沪属养殖公司饲料厂采供部的同志反映,近几年,因江浙一带沿江海地区水产养殖以及近海地区奶牛、生猪、禽类等养殖业的发 展速度较快,饲料粮、杂粕、添加剂的供应市场应运而升,而且其价格也在近几年中被拉升较高。在供应青黄不接阶段,有的粕料价格涨速离奇,部分外销产品的企 业为保证供应,宁可亏本购进主配原料也要坚持生产保住用户市场,因此而使得当地粕料市场与历史的产销轨迹看失去了可比性,也给一些经营者形成悲喜不同的结 果,有些经营者看准风向,适时迎峰出手,往往是赚得钵满盆流。但也有的经营者因多种原因失掉销售*佳时段,结果亏得很惨。据这位经营人士透露,*近一段时 间内地一向坚挺的棉粕价格亦出现了较大跌势。拿40%棉粕来说,内地东南市场一周前出厂报价2700-2900元每吨,到八月末九月初,则回落至 2350-2450元,通常经营企业每吨加400-500元的采购销售费用,需方到手的价格一般在3000元以内,比晚春仲夏时降下了500-600元。 当然,42%、50%的粕价也出现了程度不同的价格下调。
    曾与与棉粕一样俏市的菜粕报价同样也出现跌势。据江苏水产品市场价格信息,因菜 粕在江苏部分经营和使用企业存在供求关系上的矛盾,目前报价明显下跌,近日报价为2800元每吨,较去年同期低500-600元一吨,且分析人士认为菜粕 价格还将维持弱势下滑的走势。杂粕之所以出现价格下行,业间有许多分析。从大的传统性的市场走势上讲,在新年棉籽及其加工产品应市前,通常先年货价会出现 一阵的回弹,以显示青黄不接之告馨,也从某种程度上讲,进与销的领域都为供求尽了*后努力,相对而言所持库存都能应付至新品对接,而此时调整价格对于需求 实体而言已意义不十分重大,但对于新旧交替的市场行为调整当然是必然的。
    当然业间也有分析认为,今年的内地棉花受面积减少和自然灾害影响,产量锐减已成定势,纵然全国棉花6028万亩的官方数据成实,那么其中 可产出的棉籽约为1000多万吨(根据各地棉花衣分率的不同大致估算),且有一半在新疆,内地五、六百万吨的棉籽加工产品对于现有需求市场而言,**不存 在困难,而菜籽、大豆等粕料因为用途问题,也不会对棉粕形成过大的抵逐,因而,用过去棉花辉煌时的市场表现硬套当下的棉副市场巳不能作为参考,且如今沿江 沿海的养殖业远非过去之状,粕料市场因此而形成的供求关系早已不可同日而语,用业内分析的目光考量,一个广阔而发展中的沿海养殖产业,终会为杂粕市场营造 巨大的市场,经营者终会在此找到自己的掘金之地。
    不过,业内精英也对内地,特别是沿海沿江养殖区的产销市场与饲料供求间*新关系与走向作出了分析。自8月份以来,江苏等地水产、畜禽产品 市场价格,除近段时期的禽蛋以外,并没有突破上年的水平,成交的总体情况不太理想;另外,七、八月份也是沿海养殖区台风等不正常天气现象多发多变时期,养 殖业遭遇各种不恻甚至颠覆的都不乏其例,生产上的主要任务是应对自然,饲喂上主要靠消耗库存备料,所以大量采购饲料时需时进的除小型养殖塘场外,基本上是 少见的。
    据本网信息员了解,有不少自建饲料厂的养殖企业对本企水产品起捕上市加工或销售前的饲料生产配送计划已经作了兜底安排,原辅材料已全部组 织进库,一些特色为加工包装的水产企业因为生产安排,鱼虾起捕己进入适期,而未来饲料生产配给己进入后期,至于常年保持饲喂需要的企业,随着天气渐凉,饲 喂量也会有所调减,从而形成对饲料的总体需求量的调整。眼下,江苏、山东等地棉花生产尚处在孕絮中后期,虽然已有籽棉采拾报道,但从今年的棉花政策、市 场、价格及国内外产销行情看,内地棉价将低于上年,再加上长江流域棉花遭灾导致的减产因素,蒙受低价及减产的农民不会一开秤就有棉即售,一如往年的期初持 棉惜售现象会加剧,再结合资源总量的大幅减少,因而新年度棉花上市进度会很缓慢,而一些棉企若再待足一定拥有量再开车轧棉的话,棉花及其棉副产品会迟迟上 不了市,且会因价格等原因形成购销阻滞,因而,棉粕等棉副价格不会静止不动,终将因市场需求显示涨跌表现,而在广大的沿海养殖区,棉副产品诱人的前景不会 逊色并**着周边市场的兴盛不衰。

By the late August since the continuous typhoon, continuous rain and low temperature as the weather, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Lu Min, deputy center of cotton have came the cottonseed meal strong market began to loosen down message.

According to the Jiangsu Dafeng Coast Culture Company Shanghai belongs to feed factory Ministry of mining for the comrades reflect, in recent years, because of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang area along the cows, pigs, poultry and aquaculture sea area and coastal area aquaculture development speed, feed grains, miscellaneous meal, additive supply market made up, but its price in recent years are pulled higher. In the supply gap period, some meal material prices surreal, part of the export products of the enterprises to ensure the supply of main raw material purchase, would rather lose to adhere to the production to keep user market, thus making marketing track local meal material market and look at the history of the lost comparability, also give some operators formed by different results, some operators see the direction of the wind, the timely release peaks, is often earned alms bowl full of pots flow. But some operators for various reasons lost sales the best period of time, the results are highly experienced. According to the business sources, the recent period of time China has been strong cottonseed meal prices also appeared bigger decline. Take 40% cottonseed meal, mainland southeast market a week ago factory pricing 2700-2900 yuan per ton, to the end of August to early nine, it fell to 2350-2450 yuan per ton, usually enterprises 400-500 yuan purchasing cost of sales, the hand in the general price of 3000 yuan, than late midsummer down the 500-600 element. Of course, 42%, 50% of the meal price also appeared in varying degrees of price reduction.

Once and cottonseed meal, rapeseed meal as Qiao price also declines. According to the Jiangsu aquatic products market price information, because food meal in Jiangsu, part of the business enterprise and use the contradiction between supply and demand relations, the price dropped significantly, recently quoted price is 2800 yuan per ton, compared with the same period last year low 500-600 yuan a ton, and analysts believe that prices will remain weak in rapeseed meal to trend downward. Miscellaneous meal appear downward price, industry there are many analysis. From the traditional big market moves on in the new year, cottonseed and its processed products should city before, usually first year price will be a rebound, to display the temporary shortage to jasmine, also to a certain extent, and the pin domain for supply and demand as the last effort, relatively speaking of inventory holdings to cope with the new docking to adjust the price, while the demand for the entity is not very great, but for the market behavior of transitional adjustment is of course inevitable.

Of course, industry also the analysis thinks, this year China cotton area and reduce natural disasters, productivity has become a stereotype, even if the official national data of 60280000 acres of cotton into real, then the output of cotton is about about 10000000 tons (according to various cotton lint percentage of different roughly estimate), and half in Xinjiang five, the mainland, six million tons of cottonseed processing products for the needs of the market, not the difficulties, and rapeseed, soybean meal material for use, not for cottonseed meal form excessive arrived one by one, therefore, the past glory of cotton market performance rigidly the cotton by market have should not be used as reference and now, coastal aquaculture is far from the past like meal material market, the supply and demand relationship already cannot be mentioned in the same breath, with the analysis of the eye considerations, a broad and in the development of coastal aquaculture industry, will create a huge market for miscellaneous meal market, operators will eventually find their nuggets to.

However, the industry elite to the mainland, especially the new relationship with the trend of market of produce and sale and feed supply and demand along the Yangtze River culture area coastal made analysis. Since August, Jiangsu, aquatic products, livestock products market price of eggs, except in the period, there is no breakthrough in the previous year's level, the overall situation of transactions is not too ideal; in addition, seven or eight months is also coastal aquaculture area of typhoon and other abnormal weather phenomenon of multiple variable period, aquaculture industry was not sad and subversion are many examples, the main task is to deal with the production of natural, feeding mainly rely on the consumption of inventory stock, so the procurement of a large number of feed required small pond outside except when in, basically is rare.

According to the information understanding, many enterprises have self built feed plant breeding has made arrangements for the enterprises of aquatic products out harvesting listed processing or sales of feed production planning, raw and auxiliary materials have all been set into the library, some characteristics for the processing and packaging of aquaculture enterprises for production arrangement, the fish catch has to enter the stage, but the future production of feed ration has entered the stage, as for the perennial keep feeding the needs of enterprise, with the weather becoming cooler, feeding amount will be reduced, thus forming the overall demand for feed adjustment. At present, Jiangsu, Shandong, cotton production is still in late pregnancy floc, although cotton picking reports, but from this year's cotton policy, market, price and domestic sales market, the mainland prices will be lower than last year, coupled with the reduction of production factors in the Yangtze River Basin caused by cotton calamity, suffer price and yield farmers would not have a balance of cotton is sold, as usual at the beginning of the period to cotton hoarding phenomenon aggravate, combined with reduced resources, so the new year cotton listed progress will be slow, and some cotton enterprises if stay certain quantity and then drive cotton ginning, cotton and cotton by-products will has not the city, and because of the price and other reasons, the purchase and sale of block, therefore, cottonseed meal, cotton prices will not static vice






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