BS DD IEC/TS 60870-5-601-2006 遥控设备和系统.IEC 60870-5-101配套标准的一致性试验案例
百检网 2021-07-20
标准号:BS DD IEC/TS 60870-5-601-2006
中文标准名称:遥控设备和系统.IEC 60870-5-101配套标准的一致性试验案例
英文标准名称:Telecontrol equipment and systems - Conformance test cases for the IEC 60870-5-101 companion standard
发布日期:2006/7/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/7/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of the IEC 60870-5 series describes test cases for conformance testing of telecontrol equipment, Substation Automation Systems (SAS) and telecontrol systems, including front-end functions of SCADA. The use of this part of IEC 60870 facilitates interoperability by providing a standard method of testing protocol implementations, but it does not guarantee interoperability of devices. It is expected that using this part of IEC 60870 during testing will minimize the risk of noninteroperability. The goal of this part of IEC 60870 is to enable unambiguous and standardised evaluation of IEC 60870-5 companion standard protocol implementations. The guidelines and conditions for the testing environment are described in IEC 60870-5-6. The detailed test cases per companion standard, containing among others mandatory and optional mandatory test cases per Basic Application Function, ASDU and transmission procedures, will become available as a technical specification (TS). Other functionality may need additional test cases but this is beyond the scope of this part of IEC 60870. For proper testing, it is recommended to define these additional test cases. This part of IEC 60870 deals mainly with communication conformance testing; therefore other requirements, such as safety or EMC are not covered. These requirements are covered by other standards (if applicable) and the proof of compliance for these topics is done in accordance with these standards.
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